The Opera Australia Pirates (2006)

Major-GeneralJohn Bolton-Wood
Pirate KingAnthony Warlow
SamuelAndrew Brunsdon
FredericDavid Hobson
Sergeant of PoliceRichard Alexander
MabelTaryn Fiebig
RuthSuzanne Johnston

Opera Australia
Stage Director: Stuart Maunder
Conductor: Andrew Greene

DVD Cover
DVD Cover

This DVD is not in my personal collection, but correspondent Don Shirer implored me to list it here, adding his full endorsement.

Recently I went through the available DVD's of "Pirates" from Netflix (looking forward to an upcoming stint as the MG), and was most impressed on the whole with Opera Australia's version Kultur D4322) which I note you do not have on your list. A mostly traditional version, yet full of energy and humor, it deserves to be mentioned.

Anthony Warlow is exceptional as the Pirate King. His leers and body language alone is worth the cost of admission. John Dutton Wood looks and acts the part of a befuddled Major-General without overacting, and David Hobson makes a handsome and lyrical Frederic. I was a bit taken aback by a blonde Mabel, but Taryn Fiebig sings the part well. Although not as funny as some others, Suzanne Johnston is a creditable Ruth, and Richard Alexander has the best Sergeant voice of any of the DVDs I have seen (his facial contortions are very amusing, too) and thankfully the policemen do not exhibit the acrobatic excesses of some of the other productions on DVD. The women's chorus is charming, and I almost fell in love with one of the (uncredited) freckle-faced daughters.

The stage director, Stuart Maunder, has produced Pirates all over the world, so I suspect this production resembles others that have appeared in various opera houses. One web review, cleverly titled Papp Smeared, found the production derivative of the Papp version, including the interpolation of the "matter trio" from Ruddigore.

The DVD issue seems to date from 2007, with an appearance on Blu-ray in 2009. According to IMDB, the performance itself was taped in 2006.

Issue History
2006 Australian Television TV [no number]  
2007 Kultur DVD D4322
2009 Kultur Blu-Ray BD4322