The Mikado: A Jazz Interpretation (1959)

Freddie Gambrell, piano
Paul Horn, flute
Ben Tucker, string bass
Armando Peraza, bongos
Dempsey Wright, guitar

This recording is a "jazz interpretation" of selections from The Mikado. The numbers include:

  • Overture
  • The Flowers that Bloom in the Spring
  • Tit-Willow
  • A Wandering Minstrel
  • Behold the Lord High Executioner
  • Three Little Maids from School
  • I am So Proud
  • The Sun Whose Rays
  • If You Want to Know Who We Are

J. Donald Smith sent the following review:

After one verse of each number (except the overture) is played through by the piano and flute from the vocal score, there is free improvisation by superb jazz musicians. Unlike jazz versions such as The Hot Mikado, which provide a rather rigit treatment, this one has the freedom of excellent musicianship as its basis. It works!

Issue History
1959 World Pacific Records Stereo LP 1023