The Michael Sammes Yeomen (1966)

Mary Thomas, soprano
Helen Landis, contralto
Andy Cole, tenor
John Camburn, baritone
Michael Sammes, baritone

The Michael Sammes Singers
Orchestra conducted by John Gregory

Album Cover
Philips 6625 006

Michael Sammes made numberous recordings in the 1960s of highlights from musicals and operettas. His G&S output includes highlights discs from six individula operas, plus a Best of Gilbert and Sullivan disc presenting the best of the series on one record. The singers are not credited with specific roles.

All the Michael Sammes recordings feature new instrumental arrangements, which seem especially offensive for an opera like Yeomen, where Sullivan's consummate skill as an orchestrator was at its zenith. The first selection listed on the record is the overture, but in fact, only a few bars of it are given before an awkward modulation into Phoebe's opening number; "When a wooer goes a wooing" strikes me as an odd way to end the album. The singing here is competent, but unmemorable.

Selections are as follows:

Side 1Side 2
  • Overture
  • "When maiden loves"
  • "Tower warders"
  • "Gallant norman foes" [sic]
  • "Is life a boon?"
  • "Here's a man of jollity"
  • "I have a song to sing"
  • "I've jibe and joke"
  • 'Tis done! I am a bride"
  • "Were I thy bride"
  • "A private buffoon"
  • "Free from his fetters grim"
  • "Strange adventure"
  • "Like a ghost his vigil keeping"
  • "A man who would woo a fair maid"
  • "When a wooer goes a-wooing"
Issue History
1966 WING (Philips) Stereo LP WL-1114  
1967-8? Fontana Stereo LP SFL-13034
197-? Philips International Stereo LP 6625 006 [U.K.] Two-record set, "G&S Extravaganza, Vol. 2," including the Michael Sammes Gondoliers and Yeomen
6641 242 [Australia]